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by Alan Liu 2 years, 7 months ago
English 25,"Literature and the Information, Media, and Communication Revolutions" (Spring 2019)
= required print book = required course readerAll other readings are online on Web sites or as downloadable PDFs If any links to online readings break, please try their URLs in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine (and notify the instructor).
Please read all assigned readings in advance of the relevant lecture.
TAs may flag specific assigned readings to be sure to get to before each week's section discussion.
Class 1 (M., April 1) — Introduction
- Overview of the course topic, readings, assignments, and enrollment/section policies.
1. Overture: Literature Across Media, Communication, & Information Ages
Week 1
Class 2 (W., April 3) — The Idea of Media
Class 3 (F., April 5) — From Oral to Writing Media
Week 2
Assignment due in section this week: "Create your system for working with online readings" Special early assignment due in section meeting this week: Create your online reading system: Because so many of the readings in this course are online, students are required to demonstrate in section to their TA that they have the means to annotate and save copies of online materials according to one of the methods described in Guide to Downloading and Managing Online Readings. For your section meeting this week, bring on your laptop or other digital device copies of the two assigned readings for Week 1 of the course (originally PDFs) plus at least one of the readings for Week 2 that was originally a Web page. These are readings that you should have downloaded, stored in an organized manner, and highlighted or otherwise annotated. If you do not own a laptop, tablet, or other digital device, then bring a printed copy of one assigned reading.
Class 4 (M., April 8) — (Continued)
- [Continued from previous class]
Class 5 (W., April 10) — "Close Reading" (Past and Present)
Class 6 (F., April 12) — "Distracted" & "Distant" Reading in the Information Age
- Distracted Reading
- Distant Reading and Data Mining
Week 3
Class 7 (M., April 15) — Reading, Continued: "Strange Books"
- Familiarize yourself with the following two works, which will be thought-prompts for this class:
- Agrippa: A Book of the Dead, an artist's-book created in 1982 by Kevin Begos, Jr., Dennis Ashbaugh, and William Gibson. The work is documented on The Agrippa Files, which was created by UCSB English Dept. faculty and students. Read the following pages on the site to learn about art-book:
- Shelley Jackson, "Snow" (2014) (poem written in the media forms of snow and Instagram)
- To be shown in lecture by the instructor (not assigned for reading because of access problems for people without iPads): Pry, a novel in the form of an Apple iOS app for iPad), by Tender Claws (Danny Cannizzaro and Samantha Gorman), 2014.
2. The Modern Media/Communication/Information Age
Class 8 (W., April 17) — The Communications Revolution & the Digital Principle
Class 9 (F., April 19) — Computer Revolution (1): History of the Computer
- Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think" (1945) (read the editor's introduction, and then sections 1, 6-8 of Bush's article)
- Paul E. Ceruzzi, A History of Modern Computing (2003), pp. 13-36, 44-45
- Martin Campbell-Kelly and William Aspray, Computer: A History of the Information Machine (1996), pp. 233-58
Week 4
Class 10 (M., April 22) — Computer Revolution (2): Rise of the Network
Class 11 (W., April 24) — Computer Revolution (3): Emergence of Digital "New Media"
- The Original "New Media": Writing
- Digital "New Media"
- Lev Manovitch, The Language of New Media (2001):
- pp. 18-48 (this starts at p. 30 of the PDF file: the section titled "What is New Media?")
- 218-28 (this starts at p. 134 of the PDF file)
- "Web 2.0"
Fiction Unit
Class 12 (F., April 26) — Fiction and Modern Media, Communication, & Information
- Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49 (1965) -- read at least to page 88 by today's class. (Print book; available at UCEN Bookstore and elsewhere)
- Help on the concept of entropy
Assignment due in lecture in Class 12: Essay 1 on the Future of Computing
Week 5
Class 13 (M. April 29) — (Continued)
- Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49 (1965) -- finish rest of the novel. (Print book)
Class 14 (W., May 1) — (Continued)
- Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49 (1965) -- finish rest of the novel. (Print book)
Class 15 (F., May 3) — (Continued)
- Conclusion of lectures on The Crying of Lot 49
- Discussion with professor on the novel
Week 6
Class 16 (M., May 6) — [Midterm Exam]
- Exam on readings in the course to date. The exam is "factual," and is designed to reward students who have regularly kept up with the assignments and attended lectures and sections. See fuller description. (No blue books needed for exam.)
3. The Postindustrial & Neoliberal Age
Information's Impact on Work and Power
Class 17 (W., May 8) — Postindustrial "Knowledge Work"
- "Scientific Management" (The Original "Smart Work")
- Frederick Winslow Taylor, Principles of Scientific Management (1911)
- "Knowledge Work" (Today's Smart Work)
- Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942), pp. 82-84 (on "creative destruction")
- Shoshana Zuboff, In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power (1988), pp., 3-12 Also read these online excerpts.
- Joseph H. Boyett and Henry P. Conn, Workplace 2000 (1992), pp. 1-46
- Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline (1990), pp. 3-14
Class 18 (F,. May 10) — Neoliberal "Networked Society"
- William H. Davidow and Michael S. Malone, The Virtual Corporation (1992), pp. 1-19, 50-66, 184-205, 214-16
- Wendy Brown interviewed by Timothy Shenck, "What Exactly is Neoliberalism?" (2015)
- Manuel Castells, "Materials for an Exploratory Theory of the Network Society" (2000) (read only the abstract and the two sections titled "The Network Society: An Overview" and "Social Structure and Social Morphology: From Networks to Information Networks" on the pages numbered 9-17)
Week 7
Class 19 (M., May 13) — Against All the Above
- Early "Cyberlibertarianism"
Assignment due in lecture in Class 19: Essay 2 on Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49
Class 20 (W., May 15) — (Continued)
- Donna J. Haraway, Excerpts from "A Cyborg Manifesto" (1985), chapter 8 in her book Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (1991) -- The PDF contains the whole book. Read only following excerpts from the "A Cyborg Manifesto" chapter in the book:
- pp. 149-155
- pp. 161-165
- pp. 170-173
- p. 181
- Continuation of above lectures, plus discussion with the professor.
Fiction Unit
Class 21 (F., May 17) — Fiction About Postindustrial/Neoliberal Work & Power
- William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984), read half the novel by this class (Print book; available at UCEN Bookstore and elsewhere)
Week 8
Class 22 (M., May 20) — (Continued)
- William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984), finish the novel. (Print book)
Class 23 (W., May 22) — (Continued)
- William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984), finish the novel. (Print book)
Assignment due in lecture in class 23: Spreadsheet on Being Human in the Age of Knowledge Work
Class 24 (F., May 24) — (Continued)
- William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984), finish the novel. (Print book) -- Conclusion of professor's lecture on the novel.
Week 9
[M., May 27 — No Class (Memorial Day Campus Holiday)]
4. Processing Literature
Information's Impact on the Way We Study Literature
Class 25 (W., May 29) — What is Text in the Digital Age?
- William Warner, Kimberly Knight, and UCSB Transliteracies History of Reading Group, "In the Beginning was the Word: A Visualization of the Page as Interface" (View the original Flash animation for the best interactive access, or view the MP4 video version (or download the AVI or WMV video versions). On the original Flash page, click "Enter" and wait as the animation starts)
- Yin Liu, "Ways of Reading, Models for Text, and the Usefulness of Dead People" [PDF or HTML] (2013)
- Michael Witmore, "Text: A Massively Addressable Object" (2013)
- Wikipedia, "Markup Language" (read just for the main concepts, not the details)
- Alan Liu, "Transcendental Data: Toward a Cultural History and Aesthetics of the New Encoded Discourse" (2004) (read only pp. 49-57)
Assignment due in lecture in Class 25: Essay 3 on Being Human in the Age of Knowledge Work
Class 26 (F., May 31) — Text Analysis and Literature
Week 10
Assignment due by email to your TA 24 hours in advance of section this last week of course: Text Analysis Exercise & Short Commentary
Class 27 (M., June 3) — Topic Modeling and Literature
Class 28 (W, June 5) — Social Network Analysis and Literature
Class 29 (F., June 7) — Conclusion: What Is Literature For in the Information Age? / What Is Information For in Literature?
- The thought-prompts for this concluding lecture are the ideas of "deformance" and "glitch" in the literary/artistic use of information technology.
- Lisa Samuels and Jerome J. McGann, "Deformance and Interpretation" (1999) -- (read only p. 25-30, and also get a sense of the "deformance" experiments in section V, p. 36-45, and the appendix, p. 50-53) [alternate link]
[paywalled; UCSB students have free access through the campus network or from off-campus through the UCSB VPN or Library Proxy server]
- Also available in an unpaginated HTML version (read on;y Sections 1-2 and the first four paragraphs of Section 3, and also get a sense of the "deformance" experiments in section V and the appendix)
- Mark Sample, "Notes Towards a Deformed Humanities" (2012)
- Rosa Menkman, The Glitch Moment(um)] (2011) (read pp. 7-32: "Introduction," "Glitch Manifesto," "A Technological Approach to Noise," and "The Perception of Glitch") See also Menkman's site: http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com
(M., June 10, 4-4:50 pm) — Final Exam
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